Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar

We have always believed it is a lifetime in which individuals with a lot of sugar are provided with sweets. The biggest thing you can't eat sweets about diabetes. I could not imagine letting go of sugar a couple of years ago. For me, it was all. My entire world turned around its sweet taste and enjoyment. I strongly believed that life wasn't worth living without sugar. Later I realized that it was wrong to be too sweet dependent. I have researched heavily and have not been eating well sugar.

We have always believed it is a lifetime in which individuals with a lot of sugar are provided with sweets. The biggest thing you can't eat sweets about diabetes. I could not imagine letting go of sugar a couple of years ago. For me, it was all.

My entire world turned around its sweet taste and enjoyment. I strongly believed that life wasn't worth living without sugar. Later I realized that it was wrong to be too sweet dependent. I have researched heavily and have not been eating well sugar.


Highly dependent is sugar. Your body enjoys it due to all the calories it offers. Sugar is overwhelmingly palatable, for which our brains exactly want and reward. It was a good strategy in the distant past. Food was scarce, and taping the rich energy supply was supposed to survive in harsh conditions.

Today it means more obesity and diabetes, but our subconscious is not aware of it. Furthermore, sweet taste is also a sign that you can eat safely, and we learn that since we are born with breast milk from our mother. That's right, because it contains lactose, it's also a bit sweet. Small enough, sucre delivers a murderous combo that can't be resisted.


Suffering is not the only sugar risk. It is also an epidemic of obesity in our hands. Know you that the bulk of the population will be obese by 2050?

The body is made more insulin resistant in an extremely complicated manner. This will make your pancreas difficult to operate and generate more insulin each time you eat and store much of the calories that come from fatty cells.

The second additional insulin blocks a hormone known as "leptin." This is partly true because a severe meal has recently turned into fatty sugar. Means "thin outward and fat inward." This is a serious condition, as fat-coated organs can fail at all times.

Diabetes and Cancer

Sugar finally leads to fatal diseases. Diabetes is the first. As you know, sugar makes your body more insulin resistant. It becomes chronic if you use sugar long enough.

The body loses its ability to process incoming food when that is happening. Before further processing, most foods you eat are turned to blood sugar, so high insulin resistance can cause death. This is when people have to inject insulin for survival.

The companies are telling us that diabetes is inherited and partly true. The cause of Type 1 diabetes in the genes is, in fact, the absolute minority. The bulk is type 2, which can be obtained perfectly if you don't look at the consumption of sugar.

The second sugar threat is cancer. Cancer. Many studies have shown that high sugar levels can lead to cancer cell development. Sugar is understood perfectly because it is a good nutrient. The absorption of large quantities in the bloodstream allows the enemy to survive.

Think of it when you eat this additional chocolate bar. Want to take an opportunity? In addition, many other health conditions causing sugar directly or indirectly are taken into account.

I'm pretty sure we will find out about sugar's deadly effects on our health in the future. Now, it's as much as possible to avoid sugar since the companies turned it into a weapon against us.

Evitate all sweet drinks, keep your foods clear as far as you can and replace sweets with fruit. At first it is going to be hard, but you will be thanked by your body later.

Anton is a former sugar dependent and blogger dedicated to helping people combat sweetness. Check out further tips and articles
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